Development of a medicinal product in the form of FSMP supporting the immune system in the treatment of cancerous diseases and COVID-19 infectious diseases as part of the framework of Measure 1.2 Targeted research.
Project objectives:
The objective of the project is to develop a production technology and implement the production of the FSMP medical product in the form of tablets/capsules, supporting the immune system in the treatment of cancerous diseases and COVID 19-type infectious diseases that will have such an effect on human body that it will improve the immune system in the fight against cancer and other infectious diseases. The project will consist in stimulating the innovative activities of the Beneficiary with investments in the infrastructure required to conduct research and R&D works
Planned outcomes:
The implementation of the project will render it possible to conduct advanced cell research that, in turn, will enable the selection of active protein fractions and substances with selective activity in the immune system, increasing the therapeutic effectiveness of the newly created FSMP product in the fight against cancerous cells. Both the pharmaceutical market and the patients expect the increased availability of efficient medication that will be capable of effectively extending the life expectancy of patients, or contribute to their complete cure. Successful implementation of the project will also contribute to reducing the cost of equity, which will enable the Beneficiary to undertake further R&D.
Project value: 3 955 722,46 PLN
Contribution of European Funds: 2 750 222,74 PLN